Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

Are these two actually related?

Supposedly I am dad to both, but I still have my doubts. See for yourself. Also, please ignore the hairy shirtless guy in the background. I have no idea who he is or how he got into these adorable photos.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Big Brother Griff

Griffith has really taken to being a big brother to his little brother, Cameron John Crichton. Griffith is mostly indifferent to Cameron since Cameron can't play with him, does not have any food to share, and spends most of his time sleeping. However, every once a while Griff will interrupt his daily routine to say hello to Cameron. Here Griff is babysitting Cameron while his parents go out for a night on the town. It's so nice to have such a responsible two year old to babysit his younger brother:
Here is a solo pic of Griff's blond haired, blue eyed little brother. I'm still trying to figure out how Cameron ended up with light hair and eyes - Mom's got some explaining to do.

Monday, March 19, 2012

2 year old Elvis Impersonator

Here you can see Griffith auditioning for the next round of Idol. He definitely looks like a bad Elvis impersonator with the spread legs and the pointing. Hopefully he has a bright future in the lounge singing industry.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Griffith's Second Birthday Party

Didn't make the list for the most exclusive 2nd Birthday Party ever? Fear not, because you can see what all of the buzz was about.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

No pants party!

Over the last few months, Griffith has grown tired of conforming to society's expectations regarding pants. He finds pants and diapers too constricting and prefers going nude, especially when sleeping. However, this has posed some problems recently. In fact, today Griff took his diaper off at daycare on two separate occasions. The no pants party took a turn for the worse when Griff decided that he needed to take a leak and the floor he was standing on was as good a place as any to relieve himself. This became an even bigger problem when Griffith's teacher came over to warn him about Denver's strict laws regarding pants and slipped and fell on Griff's floor urine. Needless to say, Griffith's parents will be taking a much firmer stance on the enforcement of the pants policy.